
Paragon Global

Michael Frisch

Michael Frisch

To work with Michael, please contact us at results@paragonglobal.com

Professional Expertise

Michael’s expertise covers many human resource topics, including competency models, executive development, training, succession planning, and talent management. His primary focus is delivering executive coaching services, which he has been doing for over 20 years. He has worked with coaching clients in a wide range of industries, including financial services, pharmaceuticals, media/publishing, telecomm/high tech, professional services, and consumer goods. He also serves as a supervising coach and coaching instructor for both internal and external coaches through his affiliation with iCoachNewYork, a coach training and consulting firm. iCoachNewYork partners with the Zicklin Business School of Baruch College (CUNY) to deliver a certificate program in professional coaching.

Michael derives deep satisfaction from helping his coaching clients embrace new approaches to challenges and in so doing, foster their professional growth. Versed in many assessment tools and a highly perceptive interviewer, he deepens his clients’ self-insight, especially on gaps between their intentions and their impact on others. Michael challenges his clients’ thinking and assumptions in a direct but supportive style. He also has a well-honed ability to align his clients’ developmental goals with sponsoring organizations’ agendas. Clear insights, savvy observations about organizational realities, real-time perspectives that add value, and persistence in overcoming obstacles make Michael’s coaching a win-win effort for all stakeholders.

In the past, Michael held the position of Senior Consultant and Director of Coaching Services for Personnel Decisions International’s (PDI) New York operating office. Earlier roles included consulting on training and career topics, and a position within Management Development function at PepsiCo.

During the course of his career, Michael has presented to groups such as The Conference Board and the Human Resource Planning Society. He has been quoted in magazines such as Fortune, Working Woman, and Personal Excellence. Michael’s publications cover topics such as interviewing, performance management, and coaching. Recent publications include a chapter in Advancing Executive Coaching, published by Jossey-Bass, and co-author of a book, Becoming an Exceptional Executive Coach, published by AMACOM.

Michael received his Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Rice University and his MS from Georgia Institute of Technology. He is a member of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and the American Psychological Association, Divisions 13 and 14. Michael is a licensed Psychologist in New York State.

Current and Recent Coaching Assignments

President of the largest office of a global consulting firm to help him become fully ready for likely promotion to a regional head position

President and General Manager of a Division of a major utility to help him integrate 360-degree feedback into a development action plan and support its implementation

Head of Risk within a professional services firm to help her fully assimilate to her new executive level building on her very strong technical expertise while adding relationship skills

Divisional head of Retail Banking for a major global bank to help her adapt to the culture of her new assignment while maintaining her drive for results

Head of Marketing for a major insurance company to help him develop his team and increase retention of key talent

Head of logistics and facilities management of a major government entity to help her become a more versatile leader

Education and Professional Affiliations

Completed Psychotherapist Training Program, Park East Psychological Associates, New York, NY

Ph.D. Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Rice University, Houston, TX

M.S. Industrial Psychology, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA

American Psychological Association; Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP); Society of Consulting Psychology (APA Div. 13); Metropolitan Association for Applied Psychology (METRO); New York Human Resource Planning Society (NYHRPS)

Licensed Psychologist in New York State

Certified to interpret many assessment and feedback instruments

To work with Michael, please contact us at

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